
Malang City TPID Holds Coordination Meeting

Klojen ( – At the beginning of 2018, the Malang City Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) held a coordination meeting in the Expert Staff Meeting Room of Malang City Hall, Wednesday (24/1).

Head of Economic Development Section of Malang City Regional Secretariat Dra. Rinawati, MM explained about inflation in Malang City

This event was attended by representatives from the Bank Indonesia Malang Office, representatives from the Malang City Government OPD, Malang City BPS, Malang City Kodim 0833, Malang City Police, Malang City Pertamina and the Malang City Food Task Force.

The coordination meeting was led by the Head of the Economic Development Section of the Malang City Regional Secretariat, Dra. Rinawati, MM with resource person Agus Sumirat from the Bank Indonesia Malang Office.

"In December, Malang City's CPI rose by 131,09, then for... month to month it rose 0,49%, year on year-it's 3,75% according to last month, last month we were 3,48% year on year-nya, but month to month"We have increased from last month, last month it was 0,27%, now it is 0,49%," explained Rinawati.

In the discussion of this coordination meeting, Rinawati also discussed commodities that experienced an increase in the city of Malang, such as rice, chicken eggs, chicken meat, red chilies, vegetable tomatoes, train fares, filtered kretek cigarettes, kretek cigarettes, shallots, and household fuel.

Rinawati also explained the commodities that contributed the most to inflation in 2017 in Malang City, namely electricity rates, rice, gasoline, recreation, cellphone rates, STNK renewal fees, filtered kretek cigarettes, chicken eggs, train rates and reinforced concrete.

Meanwhile, the representative from the Bank Indonesia Malang Office, Agus Sumirat, also conveyed the improving economic conditions in 2018.

"In 2018, national economic growth is expected to improve, stemming from strengthening domestic demand related to investment, household consumption, and fiscal stimulus. From the export side itself, it is expected to grow positively along with ongoing improvements and there are commodities that are still quite high. So, overall, the economic growth rate in 2018 is expected to increase in the range of 5,1% - 5,5%," explained Agus.

In addition, Agus also explained the inflation conditions in Malang City. "If we talk about Malang, what is the projection for 2018? If we look at the first quarter, the projection will be positive. As Mrs. Rina said, the inflation rate is still well maintained," he explained. (hms/yon).

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