
PD BKMM DMI Malang City 2017-2022 Solemn Period Inaugurated

Lowokwaru ( – Malang Mayor H. Moch. Anton emphasized that strengthening religion in the life of the nation and state is very important to continue to be intensified, especially in Malang City. This is because the synergy will bring a conducive, safe city atmosphere and bring success to future development.

Mayor of Malang H. Moch. Anton (center) attending the inauguration and working meeting of PD BKMM DMI Malang City for the 2017-2022 service period

"Islamic brotherhood must be in synergy with national brotherhood. This is what brings peace and security in the life of the nation and state and life in the city of Malang," said the Mayor of Malang H. Moch. Anton at the Inauguration of the Regional Management of the Coordinating Body of the Mosque Taklim Assembly (BKMM) DMI Malang City 2017-2022 at the Usman bin Affan Building, 7th Floor, Malang Islamic University (Unisma), Jl. MT Haryono Malang, Saturday (27/1).

On that occasion, the man who is familiarly called Abah Anton explained that the success of regional development requires the participation of all elements of society, so the presence of BKMM DMI Malang City is one of these components.

"We hope that this inauguration can bring synergy so that Malang City can continue in the flow of development," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of BKMM DMI Malang City, Mudmainah, said that in various countries, many mosque-based education institutions are held and have succeeded in forming efficient patterns in people's lives.

"This mosque-based activity is supported by the local government and also gets support from other religious groups, so that the synergy is created well," said Mudmainah. (say/yon)

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