
Mayor of Malang Lays First Stone for Construction of Al-Hikmah Prayer Room

Breadfruit ( – The Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton, laid the first stone for the construction of the Al-Hikmah prayer room at SDN Tanjungrejo 4, Malang City, Sunday (4/2/2018).

Mayor of Malang H. Moch. Anton while giving a speech at SDN Tanjungrejo 4 Malang

In his speech, the Mayor of Malang expressed his appreciation for the construction of a prayer room at SDN 4 Tanjungrejo.

"We hope that by educating them about religious values ​​from an early age, this spirit will continue to be carried over into adulthood," hoped Abah Anton, as the Mayor of Malang is familiarly called.

Through the prayer room, Abah Anton said many things can be done, one of which is strengthening religious values ​​from an early age.

"Instilling religious values ​​from an early age is very good for children. Therefore, I fully support the construction of a prayer room at SDN Tanjungrejo 4," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of SDN Tanjungrejo 4 Malang City, Dra. Dwi Ruslaningsih, revealed that her party had long wanted to build a prayer room at the elementary school she leads, but it has only now been realized.

This prayer room will be used to improve students' character by deepening their understanding of religious values.

"We are very happy that today the Mayor of Malang is present to lay the first stone of the Al-Hikmah Mosque. Hopefully this will increase the enthusiasm of the school community to immediately complete the construction of the mosque," hoped Dwi, Sunday (4/2).

He also hopes that the construction of this prayer room will bring more benefits to students, parents, and local residents. (cah/yon)

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