
Get CSR, Singha Merjosari Park Becomes Brighter

Lowokwaru ( – The Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton, inaugurated the Kertanegara Street Lights and the Singha Merjosari Park Lights, which are Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from PT Siklon Energi Nusantara yesterday at Singha Merjosari Park, Monday (12/2).

Signing of the handover of CSR from PT Siklon Energi Nusantara to the Malang City Government

Also present at this event were the Regional Secretary of Malang City Drs. Wasto, SH, MH, Plt. Head of the Housing and Settlement Area Service of Malang City, Ir. Diah Ayu Kusuma Dewi, MT, and Ir. Sigit Suwasono from PT. Siklon Energi Nusantara.

"I hope that PT. Siklon can continue to contribute to the development of Malang City, especially in fulfilling street lighting," hoped the mayor who is usually called Abah Anton by the residents of Malang City.

Abah Anton also hopes that the CSR funds distributed can be accounted for transparently so that the existing funds are truly used as they should be.

In between his remarks, the friendly man said that this street lighting program could be a sustainable program that could be implemented throughout the city of Malang.

"Especially for public facilities that can be used by the public, such as parks in Malang City, I hope they can be brighter with adequate street lighting," he continued.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of Malang City Disperkim Ir. Diah Ayu Kusuma Dewi, MT in her report said that the lighting in Singha Merjosari Park is a form of social responsibility from PT. Siklon Energi Nusantara with a total fund of Rp893.731.000.

"In addition, there is also a grant from PT. Siklon Energi Nusantara to the Malang City Government for lighting on Jalan Kertanegara and Jalan Kauman amounting to Rp216.353.000, so the total CSR provided is Rp1.110.084.000," he said.

"All the lights used are environmentally friendly and energy efficient. With this CSR, Taman (Singha) Merjosari will be even more beautiful at night," he concluded. (say/yon)

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