
Cooperatives Office Holds Business Strengthening Facilitation for Micro Businesses

Klojen ( – The Malang City Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises Service held a Business Strengthening Facilitation for Micro Enterprises at the Pelangi Hotel, Malang City, Monday (16/04).

Head of the Cooperatives and Micro Business Service of Malang City Dra. Tri Widyani P., M.Si (center) took a photo with the speakers and participants of the activity, Monday, (16/04/2018)

In the speech of the Head of the Cooperatives and Micro Business Service of Malang City Dra. Tri Widyani P., M.Si said, the large number of micro businesses in Malang City that still do not have business permits makes micro business actors only focus on products and forget about quality. In Malang City, there are currently approximately 90.000 micro entrepreneurs.

Tri Widyani further said that the construction of various tourist destinations in Malang City has become an opportunity for micro-entrepreneurs. The existence of event in Malang City, it has become a market opportunity for existing micro businesses.

"The extraordinary changes in the era are a challenge for us as micro entrepreneurs, so are we able to keep up with the changes in the era," explained Yani, Tri Widyani's nickname.

Meanwhile, one of the speakers, Irfan Fatoni, explained that in managing business finances, there are several factors that need to be considered, one of which is planning the use of business finances.

"Funds treated by the company to meet the company's daily operational needs, such as purchasing raw materials, paying labor wages, paying debts, and others," said Irfan Fatoni. (dio/ram)

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