
Acting Mayor of Malang Launches Kolamara

Klojen ( – The morning assembly of ASN of Malang City Government which was held in the front yard of Malang City Hall, Monday (16/4) was led directly by the Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahid Wahyudi, MT.

Acting Mayor of Malang Wahid Wahyudi (second from left) with related staff at the launch of Kolamara

In between the morning roll call, the Acting Mayor of Malang launched the Malang Raya Running Community (Kolamara), which is a community of running enthusiasts whose members are spread throughout Malang Raya (Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City).

After some time ago holding events to enliven the 104th anniversary of Malang City such as culinary and cultural festivals, on April 29, 2018 Kolamara in collaboration with one of the media will hold The Malang Marathon 2018.

It is expected that events like this can be included as an annual agenda as a means of promoting Malang City tourism, considering that Malang City itself does not have many natural tourist attractions. "This tourism world is a potential object that can be developed and drive the economy of Malang City. Thus, it will also have a significant impact on the level of tourist visits to Malang City from time to time," he explained.

At the end of the ceremony, Wahid Wahyudi cut the rope of the Malang Marathon 2018 balloon as a symbol of the opening of the running festival. (say/yon)

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