Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The Malang City Government held a ceremony to commemorate the 2018nd Regional Autonomy Day in 25 in the yard of Malang City Hall, Wednesday (4/XNUMX).

Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahid Wahyudi acted as the inspector of the Regional Autonomy Day Commemoration ceremony which this year had the theme 'Realizing Nawacita Through the Implementation of Clean and Democratic Regional Autonomy'.
In the remarks of the Minister of Home Affairs read by the Acting Mayor of Malang Dr. Ir. Wahid Wahyudi, MT, it was conveyed that clean and democratic regional autonomy is not only implementing regional autonomy authority based on applicable laws, but must also make transparency and public participation the basis and main benchmark in every policy making so that whatever the policy is can be accounted for to the people.
"Therefore, in order to create Nawacita, Regional Autonomy must be implemented in an accountable, transparent, legally certain, and participatory manner," he continued.
The implementation of Regional Autonomy is also directed at building clean, effective, democratic and trustworthy governance in order to realize the main objective of Regional Autonomy, namely increasing people's welfare through improving the quality of public services and increasing competitiveness, creativity and innovation.
The presence of all elements, both from the ranks of the Malang City Government, the Malang City Forkopimda, and all elements of society in the commemoration of this Regional Autonomy Day was recognized by the Acting Mayor of Malang as a good sign, because it reflects the togetherness of all elements to jointly build the City of Malang. (cah/hms/yon)