
Contributing to the Success of the 2018 Asian Games, This is the Form of Support from the Malang City Government

Klojen ( – During the morning assembly in the yard of Malang City Hall, Monday (16/07), Acting Mayor of Malang Drs. Sutiaji pinned the 2018 Asian Games pins to hundreds of State Civil Apparatus (ASN). This is a form of support to help echo and make the four-yearly grand event a success.

Pinning of the 2018 Asian Games pin

The official car of the Mayor of Malang was also affixed with the 2018 Asian Games sticker which will later be followed by other official cars. Various events will also be held by the Malang City Government to welcome the 2018 Asian Games torch which will stop at the Malang City Hall on July 20.

Various efforts have been made by the Acting Mayor of Malang to echo and make the 2018 Asian Games a success which will be held in Jakarta and Palembang on August 18 to September 2, 2018. One of them is by requiring ASN of Malang City Government to wear the 2018 Asian Games pin while working.

Thus, explained the bespectacled man, these ASN will always remember and participate in socializing the Asian-level sports festival. This event will also have an impact on the promotion of Malang City, especially in terms of tourism. "In addition, Malang City is also one of the sports barometer cities that should be taken into account," added Sutiaji.

He added that other aspects of sports provide many meaningful lessons for society and sports are also effective means to make the nation proud. "The Asian Games will also be a promotional event for Indonesia as a whole, so that this country is better known to the world," he said again.

"By echoing and promoting the 2018 Asian Games, it is hoped that the event will be carried out well. On the other hand, the Asian Games torch's stopover at Malang City Hall is an honor and will be an effective promotional event for this city," he concluded. (say/yon)

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