
Ministry of Communication and Information Holds Sectoral Statistical Data Compilation and Collection Activities

Klojen ( – The Malang City Communication and Information Service (Kominfo) held a Sectoral Statistical Data Compilation and Collection activity at the Montana Hotel, Malang City, Thursday (0/20).

Expert Staff for Law, Government and Politics of the Malang City Regional Secretariat Drs. Mulyono, M.Si while giving a speech

Head of the Malang City Communication and Information Service, Zulkifli Amrizal, S.Sos, M.Si, in his speech, said that this activity is very important to be carried out in order to improve the data held by each OPD within the Malang City Government.

In addition, it is also to be able to align perceptions to jointly use data as a reference to improve the quality of performance.

"This activity was carried out by the Statistics Division of the Malang City Communication and Information Service and was attended by 115 participants from services, agencies, offices, sub-districts and villages throughout Malang City," said Zulkifli, Thursday (20/9).

In line with Zulkifli, Expert Staff for Law, Government and Politics of the Malang City Regional Secretariat Drs. Mulyono, M.Si said that this activity is very important to do because it can improve the quality of development in Malang City.

"We hope that after participating in this activity, participants will have souvenirs to improve their performance," said Mulyono.

He added, it is indeed not easy to carry out all activities considering the many activities that exist. But in the midst of various obstacles, it is hoped that they can still provide the best for the beloved city of Malang.

"This is very important data. Working based on data is a task that must be done so that in the future more benefits can be obtained," he hoped.

Whether or not a data is good, according to him, will greatly affect various development programs in the community. Therefore, he hopes that all participants will follow this activity seriously so that each OPD as a data producer can further improve its performance. (cah/yon)

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