
Holding Tax Awareness Opsgab, BP2D Targets 15 Points

Klojen ( – Having just completed the series of Arema Tax Awareness V Healthy Walk activities in 2018, there is no relaxing dictionary for all the crew of the Malang City Regional Tax Service Agency (BP2D). Yesterday, Tuesday (27/11) the OPD which was formerly known as the Regional Revenue Service (Dispenda) immediately stepped on the gas to carry out the Joint Tax Awareness Operation.

Officers from the Malang City BP2D attach warning stickers for arrears in tax payments

Delivered by the Head of BP2D Malang City, Ir. Ade Herawanto, MT, the holding of the Joint Operation (Ospgab) Tax Awareness consists of a team from the Malang City Government such as BP2D, Satpol PP and DPMPTSP and involves the Malang District Attorney's Office, Denpom V/3 Brawijaya and Malang City Police.

Ade added, the 15 points targeted by the joint operation this time include Taxpayers of Boarding Houses, Advertising and Land & Building Tax (PBB). "They are generally stubborn local tax defaulters who have been given warning letters up to three times, but there has been no good faith to complete their obligations," he explained.

This activity, explained the man who is familiarly called Sam Ade, is not merely a repressive action, but more persuasive as a lesson for the community to increase awareness and compliance in fulfilling regional tax obligations. "In addition, this event is also an effort to reduce arrears and unravel the receivables of the Malang City Government," he explained again.

"The target for boarding house taxpayers is spread across the areas of Jalan Simpang Borobudur, MT Haryono, Sigura-gura, Tlogomas and Joyo Utomo. Advertisement taxpayers on Jalan A Yani, S. Parman to the Soekarno-Hatta area. Meanwhile, the target for PBB taxpayers is in the Mergosono, Soehat, Bantaran and Glintung areas," explained Sam Ade.

He further said, the value of each arrears varies, starting from Rp20 million to Rp220 million. "The total value of the arrears targeted this time is around Rp1,009 billion," he said

"Because there is no good faith to fulfill the obligation, the opsgab team immediately attached stickers and installed stakes at the WP's business location which must not be removed before the WP makes payment," concluded Sam Ade. (say/yon)

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