Kedungkandang ( – Entering 2019, another breakthrough was immediately made by the Regional Tax Service Agency (BP2D) of Malang City. In order to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) and adjust the quantity of employees in line with the OPD restructuring policy within the Malang City Government, a Regional Tax Officer Competency Test was held, Friday (4/1/2019).

"This is our new breakthrough in 2019 and is indeed a priority because it is an implementation of the performance auction that was submitted to the Mayor (of Malang) some time ago," said the Head of BP2D Malang City, Ir. Ade Herawanto, MT.
He said that this was the initial step in the tax potential development programs which started with the arrangement of human resources, institutions and internal infrastructure at BP2D, which is one of the explanations. log frame mayor in the PAD increase program, especially from the tax sector.
With a PAD target from the tax sector of IDR 501 billion in the 2019 APBD and expected to continue to increase to more than one trillion in 2023, HR management has become an urgency that cannot be ignored by the OPD formerly known as the Regional Revenue Service (Dispenda).
"Because to achieve such a high and progressive target, we also have to organize personnel. We map out the profiles of existing regional tax officers again, so that we can all know who can be invited to run fast or whose competence is inadequate," explained Sam Ade, as he is familiarly called.
Today's test was conducted at Building B of the Integrated Office Building starting at 09.00 WIB, attended by all ASN regional tax officers totaling 82 people (without structural officials).
"The test lasts approximately 150 minutes. Participants will work on intelligence and psychological test questions from an independent examiner team. So the results are truly objective," continued the Head of the BP2D Malang City Collection and Examination Division, Dwi Cahyo TY, S.Sos, MM.
The results of this competency test will be used as evaluation material and reference for BP2D in carrying out internal restructuring.
"The estuary is indeed directed as evaluation material for the possibility of rotation, mutation or job promotion. In addition, it is also an intervention to improve the competence of regional tax officers which will continue to be developed through advanced training," added the committee of the activity, Ir. Yusita Pusparini, M.Sc.
Meanwhile, one of the test participants, Teguh Santosa, admitted that he was used to this kind of test method. However, according to him, it actually sharpened his knowledge and competence as a regional tax officer.
"It feels like being refreshed again. Because as tax officers whose duties are directly related to the community, our intellectuality and competence cannot just be the same. It must be more Improve, " he said.
A similar opinion was expressed by Amalia Mahardani, a staff member of the BP2D Financial Planning Division, who assessed the competency test as the right step to take at this time.
"I think it is very useful, because with this test we can find out the level of competence of all employees. So that later we can accommodate the demands of the organization's needs in responding to future challenges and formulate the next steps in terms of employee management that is oriented towards improving the human resources of regional tax officers," explained the former IPDN cadet.
Special appreciation was also conveyed directly by the Regional Secretary of Malang City Drs. Wasto, SH, MH. According to him, in order for regional tax revenues to be optimal, professional human resources are needed.
"To improve the professionalism in question, it must be known and continuously improved its competence. Salute to BP2D who continuously improve the competence of tax officers and its tax realization that continues to exceed the target every year. Because regional taxes are a source of income to be used for the development and welfare of Bumi Arema residents," praised Wasto.
The same thing was also conveyed by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji. He believes that one of the important pillars of organizational success is determined by the quality of human resources.
"The HR management program carried out by BP2D certainly has a positive and constructive response. I entrust it to be able to produce officers who have a high work ethic, have dedication and morals and really understand the taxation aspects so that the important points in providing excellent service to the community run effectively," said the number one person in the Malang City Government. (say/yon)