
Malang Mayor Directly Monitors Traffic Engineering

Klojen ( – The second day of the traffic engineering trial in the areas of Jl. Surabaya, Jl. Jakarta and Jl. Bandung, Friday (11/1/2018) was directly monitored by the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji.

Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji (second from right) while monitoring traffic engineering 

"I see there is still a buildup at the meeting point for vehicles that want to enter Jl. Jakarta (in front of Bakorwil). Especially from Jl. Raung and from Jl. Bandung towards that road," said Sutiaji after monitoring the traffic engineering that had been carried out.

To the Head of Traffic Engineering Division of the Malang City Transportation Agency, Agus Mulyadi and the Malang City Police Traffic officers, the Mayor of Malang also instructed to carry out further engineering management.

"So I ask that vehicles from Jl. Bandung who want to turn onto Jl. Jakarta (in front of Bakorwil) cannot go straight, they must enter Jl. Raung heading east, then turn around at Simpang Balapan first then head north again and then turn in front of Bakorwil. Likewise, vehicles from Jl. Raung who want to go west towards Jalan Jakarta, cannot go straight crossing, but from Jl. Raung must turn left (south) towards Simpang Balapan first," he explained.

What is in the spotlight of the badminton enthusiast is the traffic jam in front of the Restu Kindergarten, MIN, MTsN and MAN complex on Jl. Bandung.

"Here it is more due to the accumulation of parking by parents of students, not only in front of the school but also on the north side of the road. While there are two options that we provide, the school provides school shuttle vehicles so that parents do not need to drop them off. And secondly, the drop zone for delivery vehicles is not allowed on the highway, they must drop them off in the school area," he said.

The two options were conveyed directly to the MIN Principal who happened to be at the location. "Later (next week) we will invite all Principals from TK to MAN in this complex," he added.

This traffic engineering trial inspection also touched on the traffic engineering test in the Soekarno Hatta area. For this location, the Mayor of Malang instructed test vehicles from the West (Dinoyo) heading east (Betek) to turn first to the Suhat Bridge and not go straight. Meanwhile, the vehicle exit from UB was closed, so there was no traffic flow. crossing towards Suhat Bridge. (hms/yon)

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