
Malang City KPU Inaugurates 55 Democracy Volunteers

Klojen ( – 55 selected Democracy Volunteers from various backgrounds were confirmed by the Malang City General Election Commission (KPU), Tuesday (22/01/2019) at the Pelangi Hotel, Malang City. From the volunteers who are mostly young people, the Malang City KPU targets that public participation in the 2019 Election which will be held on April 17, 2019 can increase to at least 75 percent from 2014 which was 68 percent.

Malang City KPU Chairman Zaenudin symbolically pinned on the Democracy Volunteer attributes

In order to realize this target, volunteers who are also an extension of the election organizers will maximize their function and be equipped with various knowledge about the election process.

Several things were conveyed by the Chairman of the Malang City KPU, Zaenudin, after inaugurating the 2019 Election Democracy Volunteers. According to him, one of the benchmarks for the success of the democratic party and also the performance of the Election organizers in this case the KPU is the high level of public participation.

"Concretely, the community wants to come to the polling station to cast their vote properly and correctly. And the formation of Democracy Volunteers is one of the KPU's national programs, so its existence is very important and plays a big role for the community to help make the Election a success," explained Zaenudin.

In addition to the presence of these Democracy Volunteers, he said that involvement and active roles are also needed to improve the quality of the democratic party. "What distinguishes the role of Democracy Volunteers from previous years is the segmentation or targets of socialization which are more varied. There are ten socialization targets that are their focus, including families, new voters, people with disabilities and religious groups," explained the bespectacled man.

Various materials about the Election were also provided by the Malang City KPU so that these Democracy Volunteers could become one of the spearheads of KPU's socialization in the future in the community.

Zaenudin further said that the presence of democracy volunteers and active community involvement was also to build public trust in the election organizers and the democratic party process.

"Thus, the quality of the democratic party will be better, running smoothly, safely and peacefully," he concluded. (say/yon)

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