
Clarification, Mayor of Malang Visits SDN Kauman 3 and SMPN 13

Klojen ( - After receiving several complaints from the public regarding the case of tarnishing the image of Malang City education that occurred at SDN Kauman 3 and SMPN 13 Malang, the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji on Monday (11/02/2019) immediately reviewed the location in question with the aim of clarifying and obtaining information.

Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji during a dialogue with the school principal, Monday (11/2/2019).

The first visit started from SDN Kauman 3 Malang. The Mayor of Malang was received by the Principal of SDN Kauman 3 Irina Rosemari.

From the results of the dialogue, the Mayor of Malang immediately ordered the Malang City Education Office to immediately impose sanctions on civil servants who had committed violations in accordance with Government Regulation No. 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servant Discipline.

Sutiaji also ordered the Principal of SDN Kauman 3 and the Malang City Education Office to gather parents for a dialogue and provide assurance and a sense of security to parents so that they can be more relaxed in sending their children to school.

The guarantee of a sense of security and comfort must not only be received by the guardians of SDN Kauman 3 students, but also by all guardians whose children attend school in Malang City. "Don't let the image of Malang City's education be tarnished again by the actions of irresponsible individuals," said Sutiaji.

Sutiaji hopes that this will not happen again, and he emphasized that the Malang City Government will immediately act and take policies in accordance with existing regulations in order to oversee the education process in Malang City.

Meanwhile, related to other news at SMPN 13 Malang, the visit of the Mayor of Malang was also received directly by the Principal of SMPN 13 Malang, Lilik Ernawati.

During this visit, information was obtained that two students had been transferred to MTs Sunan Giri, while two other students were still attending SMPN 13 Malang with special attention.

"So it's not expelled, but transferred to MTs Sunan Giri. If expelled, that's called shirking and not being responsible, the school only transferred," he explained.

Sutiaji also stated that this happened because of juvenile delinquency that requires more attention from parents and schools, because whatever happens to our children is our shared responsibility. (Ts/yon)

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