
Malang City KPU Begins Receiving Ballot Papers

Starfruit ( – The General Election Commission (KPU) of Malang City has started receiving ballots in three waves sent to the KPU Malang City warehouse on Jl. Ciujung with tight security from the TNI-Polri. The need for ballots in Malang City is 623.185 sheets, plus two percent for reserve ballots will be sent in stages.

Officers from the Malang City KPU arrange and check incoming ballot papers

Since Monday (11/02/2019), thousands of ballots for the Simultaneous Election to be held on 17 April 2019 have begun to arrive and have been received by the Malang City KPU. After the ballots for the DPD, yesterday Tuesday (12/02/2019) the ballots arrived for the DPRD election, and on the third day, Wednesday (13/02/2019) for the DPR RI.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Malang City KPUD, Zaenudin when met, Tuesday (12/02/2019). Regarding the arrival of these ballots, he said, the KPUD has coordinated with the Malang City Government, the TNI and Polri ranks to secure the ballots.

"This is an effort to anticipate various possibilities that could occur, such as fire, flood and theft," he said.

In order to ensure the security of the ballots, his party will also hold a security simulation and will involve various related elements. "The next step, after all the ballots have arrived, will be sorting and folding the ballots, the results of which will then be reported to the KPU RI," he added.

The bespectacled man further added that the Malang City KPU will also coordinate with the Indonesian KPU regarding the distribution of additional ballot papers, because many residents are taking care of A-5 forms or voting transfer letters.

He explained that those who process the A-5 form are dominated by students, considering that in Malang City there are many universities with hundreds of thousands of students from outside Malang.

"If possible, we will also add TPS in the college, so that it will also increase public participation. Thus, automatically the number of golput will also be minimized again. For this election, we are targeting a public participation rate of 75 percent, and even more than that," concluded Zaenudin. (say/yon)

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