Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – Mbois Ilakes became an inspiration in the opening of the Creative Economy Actors Development and Empowerment Workshop & Exhibition of 8 Creative Economy Sub-Sectors in 2019 in the front yard of Malang City Hall, Wednesday (20/2/2019).

The event was opened by the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji and marked with five taps and a swipe of the videotron screen. The purpose of this event is to commemorate and enliven the 105th anniversary of Malang City, improve the quality of creative economy products, provide opportunities for promotion of creative economy products and increase sales of creative economy products to the public.
On this occasion, it was also attended by the Chairperson of the Malang City DPRD, Deputy Chairperson I of the Malang City PKK TP, Hj. Elly Estiningtyas, and the Head of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) within the Malang City Government.
This series of events includes a workshop on coaching & empowering creative economy actors attended by 100 participants, an exhibition or Creative Market with 41 participants from eight sub-sectors of the creative economy consisting of fashion products, crafts, culinary, music, performing arts and films, fine arts, photography, motion animation.
The head of the activity implementation, namely the Head of the Malang City Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar), Ida Ayu Made Wahyuni, SH, M.Si expressed her commitment to carry out this activity routinely and sustainably.
"We will carry out this activity continuously and sustainably as an effort to see opportunities to be able to exist in strong competition in the digital field. In the digital era, opportunities must be utilized optimally as a means of promotion to generate profits," he explained.
Meanwhile, Mayor Sutiaji in his speech appreciated the activities held this time. "Millennials will have a big influence on the lives of the Indonesian people. So our hope in the era of globalization and digitalization is that all industries in Malang City will be technology-based," explained Sutiaji.
The Mayor of Malang also conveyed to all creative economy drivers that in 2020 he will create a Creative House with the aim of accommodating aspirations and start-up to be creative and realize the ideas in his mind.
"In 2019 we will also make the Kayutangan area a regional area heritage "IT-based," he said. (RZ/yon)