
Malang City KPU Begins Distributing Ballot Boxes and Booths

Starfruit ( – In the past three days, the Malang City General Election Commission (KPU) has begun distributing tens of thousands of ballot boxes and booths to five Sub-district Election Committee (PPK) locations.

The process of sending ballot boxes and booths to the PPK was supervised and escorted by the Malang City KPU, Malang City Bawaslu and the TNI-Polri.

Until now, in the logistics warehouse of the Malang City KPU there are at least 11.894 ballot boxes and 10.057 voting booths. Starting Thursday afternoon (21/02/2019), the Malang City KPU began distributing election logistics, and on the first day 4.589 ballot boxes and booths were sent to the Blimbing PPK office and 4.787 ballot boxes and booths to the Kedungkandang PPK.

Those are some of the things conveyed by the Head of the Logistics Warehouse of the Malang City KPU, Suyadi when met. He added that for the logistics needs of the ballot boxes and booths to the PPK Lowokwaru and Sukun offices will be sent on the second day, while for Klojen on the third day.

The number of ballot boxes and booths needed for PPK Sukun, explained Suyadi, is 4.976, Lowokwaru District 4.211 and Klojen District 2.690. "Every distribution of election logistics will receive tight security from Polri and TNI personnel so that the delivery process runs safely and smoothly," he explained.

Various anticipations have also been made by the KPU to support the security of the delivery of election logistics. "Such as covering the transport truck with thick plastic and tying it with rope as tightly as possible, so that if there is heavy rain during the delivery, the logistics remain safe," he explained.

Meanwhile, one of the Bawaslu officers, Waskita appealed for the delivery of logistics according to schedule. This is considering that it is currently the rainy season, and in order for logistics delivery to be safer, security officers from the TNI-Polri are always on standby. (say/yon)

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