Starfruit ( – The Regional Apparatus Forum for the Preparation of the 2020 Regional Secretariat Work Plan (Renja) held at the Savana Hotel, Malang City, Monday (25/2/2019) was opened by the Regional Secretary of Malang City Drs. Wasto, SH, MH.

In his speech, Wasto said that this activity is very appropriate to be carried out after going through various processes. Along with the performance auction, according to him it would be very good if this activity was carried out with a corridor, not to be on a path outside the performance auction.
"The accumulation of these activities is to support the achievement of regional performance in accordance with the vision and mission of the Mayor of Malang," explained Wasto, Monday (25/2).
In the future, the SAKIP value of Malang City is targeted to achieve an AA value. With such high tasks and workloads, Wasto admitted that the use of technology to be able to carry out various tasks that are carried out must continue to be carried out and cannot be negotiated anymore. Because only by going through this path can every task that is carried out be done as quickly as possible and as well as possible.
The steps that have been implemented include the collaboration that has been established with Telkom to support the optimization of services to the people of Malang City.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Sub-Division for Improving Performance and Bureaucratic Reform of the Organization Section of the Malang City Secretariat, Sugeng Suroto explained that the agenda for compiling the Renja is part of the mechanism in compiling the budget planning which is preceded by the RPJMD, Renstra (strategic plan), and the regional development work plan (RKPD). "This activity is attended by parts of the secretariat within the Malang City government," said Suroto.
From this activity will be suggestions and input for activities in 2020. The suggestions and input include from the Malang City Prosecutor's Office, Bank Indonesia Malang, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Sections at the Malang City Regional Secretariat, and other stakeholders. (cah/yon)