
Dispendukcapil Socializes Presidential Decree No. 96 of 2018 and Online Birth Certificates

Klojen ( – Continuing to improve services to the community, the Population and Civil Registration Service (Dispendukcapil) of Malang City held Socialization No. 96 of 2018 (concerning Requirements and Procedures for Population Registration and Civil Registration) and Online Birth Certificates at Hotel Montana I, Malang City, Monday (26/2).

Head of the Malang City Population and Civil Registry Service, Dra. Eny Hari Sutiarny, MM, gave an explanation to the participants of the socialization

This socialization was given to village heads and officers who serve population administration in 57 villages spread across five sub-districts in Malang City.

"We hope that this activity can improve population administration services in Malang City," hoped the Head of the Malang City Population and Civil Registry Office, Dra. Eny Hari Sutiarny, MM, while giving a speech, Monday (26/2).

He added that this activity is also a follow-up to the Indonesian Administration Awareness Movement (GISA) which has been launched by the Government. The use of information technology according to him must also continue to be developed so that services to the community are more optimal.

"With the process of processing deeds that can be done online, it is hoped that there will no longer be long queues of people taking care of it," he hoped again.

Population administration services are always related and cannot be one-sided. An example is the service of making a death certificate. "Of course there will be a change in status. For example, the deceased is a husband, then in the Family Card the wife's status will also be stated as divorced and died," he explained.

Likewise with the making of birth certificates, of course there will be changes in the Family Card and the making of Child Identity Cards (KIA). All of this, said the veiled woman, must continue to be socialized so as not to cause confusion in society.

"In addition to today's socialization, Dispendukcapil has also conducted socialization in the sub-districts so that population administration services in Malang City can run well," concluded Eny. (cah/yon)

  1. Nanang kh 5 years ago

    What are the requirements for making a birth certificate?

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