Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – The Mayor of Malang provided briefing and submitted the Decree on the Appointment of Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) for the 2018 Formation in the Malang City Government environment which was held at the Pertamina Student Center Building, SMKN 2 Malang, Jl. Veteran 17, Malang City, Friday (8/3/2019).

Also present at this activity were the Regional Secretary of Malang City, Head of the Malang City BKD, Assistant for General Administration of the Malang City Regional Secretariat, and Heads of OPDs within the Malang City Government.
In his speech, the Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji congratulated 279 CPNS who had successfully passed several stages of selection after competing with thousands of people until finally today, Friday (8/3/2019) they received a letter of appointment as Regional Civil Servant Candidates for the 2018 Formation.
"Brothers who have been accepted should be grateful and thank the Malang City Government for the trust that has been given to carry out their obligations as public servants," said Sutiaji.
Sutiaji also advised the CPNS who had been appointed to continue to improve their knowledge, insight, personality and ethics as State Civil Apparatus.
"Because success is very dependent on your willingness and ability to optimize the tasks given," he stressed.
According to the Mayor of Malang who likes playing badminton, CPNS must be able to demonstrate commitment and moral responsibility for the consequences of being appointed as CPNS in the Malang City Government.
"Moreover, there are many people out there who aspire to be in your position. However, not everyone gets that opportunity, so show your gratitude in the form of enthusiasm and the best performance," added Sutiaji.
He added that ASN currently must have creative, progressive and innovative thoughts, because in the future, work challenges will not be easier, thus requiring competence, integrity and professionalism.
Of the 3.700 people who registered, only 279 people were accepted and passed the selection, divided into 237 teachers, 37 health workers and five technical workers. (Ts/yon)