
Malang City KPU Gives Special Attention to People with Disabilities and the Elderly

Klojen ( – The socialization of the General Election (Pemilu) and special assistance for the disabled and the elderly is one of the special concerns for the Malang City KPU. Related to this, as a socialization strategy for the disabled and the Elderly Family Group, the Malang City KPU has formed Democracy Volunteers who will target these groups.

Simultaneous Election Socialization which was carried out some time ago at the Klojen District Office

That was what was conveyed by the Chairman of the Malang City KPU, Zainudin, Friday (08/03/2019) when met. In addition, the Malang City KPU also involved the Malang Inclusion Forum (FOMI) which is a joint forum for all disability groups to be involved in socialization activities.

"Democracy Volunteers in the family segment also target environmental bases in the community (including the elderly) by visiting these groups and conducting socialization, especially about election procedures. Likewise, later during the voting, Democracy Volunteers are ready to help the disabled and the elderly," added Zainudin.

Similar things were conveyed by a political science practitioner from Brawijaya University Malang, Maulina Pia Wulandari, Ph.D. According to her, people with disabilities have the same rights as voters with normal conditions.

"Socialization for people with disabilities and the elderly and their companions is a manifestation of a non-discriminatory attitude and full protection of their rights," he explained.

According to Pia, people with disabilities and the elderly are groups who must also be given information about the election, and even election contestants are required to campaign to these groups who are considered minorities.

“Absolutely not fair "If the disabled and elderly groups vote not because they know who the contestants and their programs are, but because of the influence of their companions or just because they choose," he said.

"Even the KPU must also provide special places and tools for people with disabilities during the election. Bawaslu must also pay attention to the implementation of the election for people with disabilities and the elderly. After all, their voices also contribute to the success of the election and a better future for the nation," Pia emphasized.

Separately, the Head of Bawaslu Malang City, Alim Mustofa, agreed with this. He said that Bawaslu will definitely oversee all KPU Malang City programs, including election socialization and assistance for the disabled and elderly.

"Disability and the elderly must be a special concern for election organizers, because they also have the same rights as other citizens," he explained.

Alim admitted that so far the Malang City KPU has also carried out socialization quite well, but it would be better if this was improved further.

"The more intensive the socialization carried out by the Election organizers, the greater the level of public participation will be, which will also be one of the benchmarks for the success of the democratic party," he said. (say/yon)

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