
Indonesian President Shares Safe Driving Tips with Millennials

Palembang – President Joko Widodo shared safe driving tips with young people or those known as millennials. This was conveyed by the President when he and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo attended the Declaration event. Millennials Road Safety Festival which was held around the Ampera Bridge, Palembang City, Saturday (9/3/2019).

President Jokowi giving safe driving tips to millennials

"I want to leave something, no many. If you want to drive, please check it properly, first the lights are on no, the mirrors must be complete. Before driving, the helmet must be ready and worn," said President Jokowi.

Not only in terms of equipment, the President also reminded that complete documents such as SIM (Driving License) and STNK (Vehicle Registration Certificate) must also be prepared before driving.

"So if later asked by the traffic police, we can also show that we have a STNK and SIM," said the Head of State.

In front of thousands of young people who crowded the event location, President Jokowi also emphasized that drivers should not use their mobile phones while driving. This applies not only to motorcyclists, but also car drivers.

"Should not lol, driving time is not allowed to play handphone, it's very dangerous. Even driving a car is very dangerous, driving while playing handphone. Because when we go out, our families and parents are waiting at home. So be careful when driving. Prepare, check all vehicle eligibility," he said.

According to the President, traffic accidents are currently the fifth leading cause of death in the world, so he asked the public to be more careful.

"Accidents in the world claim victims, ranking five. First is heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, and others. Number five is traffic accidents. Be careful," he said again.

The President then asked two young people to come up to the stage. In the dialogue, the President asked Henri and Joni Iskandar to share their driving experiences and share messages to other citizens.

"For Palembang residents, don't speed when driving. In my experience, where I work, there are always accidents every day. So for Palembang residents, please obey traffic rules," said Henri.

Meanwhile, Joni Iskandar, an 8th semester student at a university in Palembang, admitted that he often rode a motorbike back and forth from Indralaya to Palembang for his thesis guidance.

"For students, especially those who go back and forth between Palembang and Indralaya, please be careful, especially when the roads are slippery, so don't forget safety-especially for our daily self-protection. Helmets, shoes, jackets, gloves, and complete vehicle documents," said Joni.

Also present accompanying the President and Mrs. Iriana were Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, and Governor of South Sumatra Herman Deru. (Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media of the Presidential Secretariat)

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