Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – The Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) is collaborating with Google to provide training E-Commerce to a number of housewives in Malang City.

From the training held at the Ngalam Command Center (NCC) of the Malang City Communication and Information Service, Tuesday (12/03/2019), later women who usually have a consumptive pattern will have their mindset changed to be productive. Concretely, by utilizing all their talents and potentials, such as becoming new MSME actors, they can get to know and market their products on various social media networks.
That was conveyed by the Head of BPSDMP Kominfo Surabaya, Mrs. Eka Handayani, SE, MM on the sidelines of the training. Last year, she said, the Ministry of Communication and Information which also collaborated with Google had provided special training for 200 housewives in East Java.
"And from this training in the field of information technology, 10 percent of them become strong and independent MSME actors," he said.
This year, Eka continued, as many as 200 housewives in Malang, Jember, Madiun, Magetan and Banyuwangi will be targeted. "Together with Google, we provide various knowledge and skills for these housewives," he added.
Women who were previously consumptive, he continued, will later be transformed into productive, when they are familiar with the progress of information technology. These housewives are taught various ways to promote and sell various products that will be offered, such as creating an account on Google Business.
According to Eka, currently marketing and selling products online is very promising, so that those who are not familiar with technological advances will be eliminated from the increasingly rapid global trade.
"Apart from product quality, what is no less important is service to consumers, so that there will be... reseller continuously," he explained.
"From this training, housewives who do not yet have a business will be motivated to start a business even on a small scale. However, for those who are already MSME actors, they will also expand their marketing reach and product sales, which will ultimately boost their sales turnover," concluded Eka. (say/ram/yon)