
KPU Asked to Pay More Attention to People with Disabilities and the Elderly

Starfruit ( – Responding to the special attention of the Malang City General Election Commission (KPU) for the disabled and elderly in the election, the Head of the Malang City Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), Alim Mustofa, Monday (18/3/2019) revealed that the KPUD is indeed obliged to provide attention to disabled and elderly voters in serving their voting rights.

Chairman of the Malang City Election Supervisory Committee, Alim Mustofa

According to him, efforts to protect the rights of citizens who have the right to vote are a constitutional mandate, including the disabled and the elderly.

"Bawaslu continues to make various efforts to encourage the Malang City KPUD to protect voting rights, including providing appeals related to voting rights services starting from voter registration by paying attention to the disabled and the elderly with several categories," he said.

Alim added, then the vote transfer service, as well as voting support devices at TPS for voters with special needs. "Our job is to ensure that all citizens who have the right to vote are well facilitated," he said.

Supporting devices for the disabled, including easily accessible polling stations for voters with special needs, as well as voter assistance tools for all categories of disabled voters. (say/yon)

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