
PWI Malang Raya Collaborates with ITN to Hold Public Discussion

Lowokwaru ( – The Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Malang Raya wants to make a positive contribution to the city of Malang, as well as help the local government in solving problems such as traffic jams.

Public Discussion Dissecting Traffic Jams in Malang City

The method used by this organization whose members are journalists is by holding a discussion with the title of dissecting traffic jams in Malang City which was held at the ITN Malang campus, Tuesday (19/03/2019).

The activity, which was held as part of a series of commemorations of the 2019 National Press Day (HPN), presented speakers and experts in the field of transportation with the hope of finding a solution to overcome traffic jams in the City of Education so that they can be reduced.

The chairman of PWI Malang Raya, M Ariful Huda after the public discussion event revealed that this activity is another side of journalists who so far only seem to be looking for news. "From activities like this, at least we have a contribution to the city of Malang," he said.

Meanwhile, the Rector of the National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang Kustamar admitted that he was ready to help overcome the problem of traffic jams in Malang City. According to him, in addition to the increase in population and vehicles, the availability of roads (infrastructure) is also a trigger for traffic jams in Malang City.

Kustamar also said that his party is ready to help the Malang City Government to reduce or overcome the traffic jams that have often occurred, and the institution he leads has many competent experts in the field of transportation.

"Our experts are quite reliable and have a lot of flying hours, so there is no doubt about their abilities," he added.

"We have been trusted several times to make master plan Highway, master plan transportation by several city and district governments in Indonesia. So in theory and concept we are ready. Hopefully what we are trying to do will run optimally and Malang City will no longer be a congested city," concluded Kustamar. (say/yon)

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