
Proud, This is an Energy-Efficient Car by the UMM Mechatronic Team

Lowokwaru ( – Genetro Suryo UEV 06 is an energy-efficient car created by students of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, which has always been the best in every energy-efficient car contest. The sixth generation car, which was created in early 2018, is now being continuously refined by students to make its performance even better.

Mechatronic Team during Genetro Suryo UEV 06 test drive

Starting from a course assignment, a number of students from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, made an energy-efficient car that uses lithium battery power. Over time, when there was an energy-efficient car contest, the Genetro Suryo UEV 60 car won the best achievement.

The best achievement in the electric urban category was achieved in the energy-efficient car competition at Padang State University in November 2018. The car assembled by the Mechatronic Team spent around Rp100 million from sponsors and internal campus funds.

Head of the Mechatronic Team, Afrianto, Wednesday (27/03/2019) revealed that this car relies on a 400 watt BLDC motor engine with a shell made of... carbon fiber and aluminum chassis. "For 17-inch rims with a base wheel measuring 1.250 millimeters and weighing 80 kilograms. This car has a speed of 35 kilometers per hour and after the battery ischarge "In one hour it can cover a distance of 335 kilometers per hour," he explained.

The components of this car, he explained, use materials that have minimal friction, so that when the car is running, the friction is also minimal and requires energy on a small scale. "For its working system, it uses an electric motor as a driver equipped with a braking system, lighting and a horn," he added.

The car that will compete in the international Shell Eco-Marathon Asia contest to be held in Malaysia in April, in the past four months has continued to be refined in several parts and components. In the event, the Mechatronic Team is again targeting to win first place.

Meanwhile, the supervising lecturer for the Mechatronics Team, Muhammad Jufri, said that the various components of this car had been...upgrade so that the performance is better when compared to the conditions when participating in the competition last year. (say/yon)

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