Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – While attending the National Festival at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Saturday (16/04/2019), in front of thousands of UMM students, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla (JK) delivered three important messages so that this nation will be better in the future.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said, the first is that Indonesia must have a clean, firm government and have good rules. Second, citizens and especially the younger generation as the next generation of the nation must master science and technology. "Third, this country must be able to produce many reliable and competitive entrepreneurs," he explained.
According to the Vice President, the three factors are strong capital and must be synergized, so that Indonesia in the future will become a nation that is advanced in all fields. "Don't let technology dominate humans, because it will have fatal consequences. One of the basic keys to the progress of a nation is from the side of mastery of technology," said JK.
He further said that Indonesia has around 450 universities, which is a strong capital in mastering technology. "In addition, various other potentials are no less important, such as in the fields of agriculture and other natural resources that must be a special concern for all elements of the nation," he added.
When the government is good, technology is well mastered, and can produce many entrepreneurs, he said, Indonesia will be more advanced in various sectors. "In addition, Indonesia will be on par with other countries in the world, and will not be underestimated anymore," concluded JK. (say/yon)