
Malang Mayor Attends BPJS Health Ramadan Safari East Java Regional Deputy

Starfruit ( – 'Make Ramadhan a Momentum to Improve Your Quality and Work Ethic' was the theme of the Safari Ramadan 1440 H activity held by the BPJS Kesehatan East Java Regional Deputy which was held at the Harris Hotel, Malang City, Thursday (16/5/2019).

Deputy Director of BPJS Health for East Java Region, Mayor of Malang, Deputy Mayor of Malang took a photo together after handing over aid

Deputy Director of BPJS Kesehatan for East Java Region dr. Handaryo, MM, AAK, CRGP, Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji and his wife, Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko and his wife, and Regional Secretary of Malang City Drs. Wasto, SH, MH were present at this Ramadan Safari.

"I express my positive appreciation and gratitude to BPJS Kesehatan for organizing this activity. Through this activity, our ties will continue to be maintained," said Sutiaji in his speech.

He added that the system that is already running in BPJS Kesehatan is a form of togetherness that must continue to be built to help each other.

According to Sutiaji, togetherness is important. Mutual cooperation and mutual assistance efforts are very visible in the system that has been running. "For that, let's support together so that we can realize the best health services for the people in Malang Raya," he invited.

The same form of commitment will be realized by the Malang City Government by ensuring that in 2020 all Malang City residents will participate in BPJS Kesehatan membership. "This is a form of our responsibility in order to provide health insurance to Malang City residents," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Director of East Java Region, dr. Handaryo, MM, AAK, CRGP expressed the same thing as the Mayor of Malang. He said that through the principle of mutual cooperation and helping each other, all residents will immediately receive assistance, especially in the health sector.

On that occasion, aid was also given to orphans and ended with breaking the fast together and Maghrib prayers in congregation. (Ts/yon)

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