
Malang Post Office Remains Open During Joint Leave

Klojen ( – The public's enthusiasm to utilize the Post Office's package delivery service, especially during the month of Ramadan and approaching Eid al-Fitr 1440 H is still high. This can be seen at the Malang Post Office which has continued to increase since the beginning of the fasting month.

Malang Post Office employees process packages that continue to increase in number during Ramadan and ahead of Eid al-Fitr.

The number of packages, especially special express packages, entering the Malang Post Office continues to climb significantly, reaching 50 percent this week.

Head of Malang Post Office, Agung Janarjono, Friday (24/05/2019) said that his party will always provide maximum service to the community. "This week, package deliveries reached 21 thousand and from that number it is predicted to continue to increase for the next 4-5 days," he said.

A few days into the month of Ramadan, Agung said, package deliveries, especially special express packages, increased by 30 percent and has now reached 50 percent. "These package deliveries to various regions and especially outside Java are in the form of packages for Eid, such as Muslim clothes and Eid cakes," added this friendly man.

In order for all package deliveries to arrive and be received on time, he explained that the Post Office had made anticipations and various preparations well in advance. Such as arranging employee working hours and vehicles as supporting facilities that are ensured to always be ready at any time.

In addition, the Post Office will also continue to open services during the joint leave so that people who are waiting for package deliveries to be used during Eid al-Fitr can be received well. "Although there is no additional working hours for employees, the schedule will be divided as well as possible," concluded Agung. (say/yon)

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