
Malang City Government Holds Cheap Market for Ramadan 1440 H

Klojen ( – The Malang City Government is holding the 2019 Ramadhan Cheap Market in the area outside the Gajayana Stadium in Malang starting today, Monday (27/5/2019) to Tuesday (28/5/2019).

The Mayor of Malang gave a speech and opened the 2019 Ramadan Cheap Market

In addition to selling cheap basic food packages, at the 1440 H Ramadan Cheap Market which was attended by 53 participants, there were also new money exchange services, product sales urban farming, sales of Eid packages, population administration and civil registration services, and free health services.

Head of Economic Development Section of Malang City Regional Secretariat Dra. Rinawati, MM said that the purpose of this activity is to help the community to obtain basic necessities at affordable prices during the fasting month and approaching Eid al-Fitr 1440 H.

"This Ramadan Cheap Market is also held to control the stock availability of basic necessities in the market so that there is no shortage that will result in an increase in the price of basic necessities," said Rinawati.

She explained that the 53 participants who took part in the Market event came from various elements and stakeholders including food distributors, business actors, Regional Government Organizations (OPD) within the Malang City Government, Malang City BUMD, Bank Indonesia Representative Office and Malang City Banking, BUMN Bulog Sub Divre VII Malang and social community organizations. "We invite the public to come and take advantage of this cheap market opportunity," said Rinawati.

Data from the Economic Development Section of the Malang City Regional Secretariat states that the Ramadan Cheap Market held every year always has a positive impact on the community and the participants who take part.

Recorded in 2016, the cheap market was attended by 28 participants with a turnover of Rp396,8 million. Continuing in 2017 with the same number of participants reaching a turnover of Rp305 million, and in 2018 with 58 participants reaching a turnover of Rp617 million.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji in his speech said that this activity is not only to help the community in meeting their needs but also to suppress inflation. "Because usually when approaching Eid al-Fitr the inflation rate will be higher, this is caused by the tendency of the community to be more consumptive," explained Sutiaji.

In addition, Sutiaji said this activity was also carried out to control prices in the market, so that there is no significant price increase due to high demand from the community. (Ts/Sa/yon)

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