(malangkota.go.id) - After successfully maintaining the Child-Friendly City in the Middle Category in 2019, Malang City also won an award as a Pioneer of Child-Friendly Play Spaces (RBRA) in Malang City Square.

The award given by the Indonesian Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) is proof of the extraordinary performance of the Malang City Disperkim throughout 2018.
"I give my highest appreciation and respect for this achievement and the hard work of the Malang City Disperkim," said Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji, Wednesday (24/7/2019).
The active role of the Bumi Arema community, said the Mayor of Malang, also contributed to the success of this achievement.
Sutiaji also hopes that the community and visitors to Malang City Square will also help maintain and care for the existing facilities. "This is not only the responsibility of the Malang City Government, but also our shared responsibility in order to frame the bonds of togetherness that have been built so far," he added.
"Hopefully this award will be a motivation to improve public services to the people of Malang City," he hoped. (Ts/yon)