
Colonel Zainuddin Takes Position as Commander of the 083/Baladhika Jaya Military District

Klojen ( – The ranks of Korem 083/Baladhika Jaya (BDJ) received and welcomed the new Danrem 083/BDJ, namely Col. Inf. Zainuddin, Monday (29/07/2019). The man born in Palembang replaced the previous Danrem 083/BDJ, namely Col. Inf. Bagus Suryadi Tayo.

The welcoming procession of Danrem 083/BDJ Col. Inf. Zainuddin

As the new Danrem 083/Baladhika Jaya, Col. Inf. Zainuddin asked that TNI soldiers become pleasant figures, useful to the environment and willing to sacrifice wholeheartedly. To realize this, he admitted that he would continue all the previous Danrem programs,

"Various work programs that have not been realized must be continued and of course with innovation and creativity, in accordance with regional potential. No less important, the main task of the TNI is to maintain the sovereignty of the country, by eliminating various triggers for various conflicts," he added.

As a new leader, in addition to continuing programs that have not been implemented by the previous Korem Commander, Col. Inf. Zainuddin admitted that he would make a breakthrough. "Various creativity and innovations will be carried out by referring to the potential in the nine Kodim that are the working areas of Korem 083," he explained

Col. Inf. Zainuddin, who previously served as Danrindam I Bukit Barisan, wants TNI soldiers to be pleasant figures, useful for the environment and society in general.

According to him, this is in accordance with the orders of the TNI Commander, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto for every TNI rank or unit in the country.

From all of that, Zaenuddin continued, the TNI should not neglect its main task, which is to maintain the country's sovereignty from various threats and security disturbances. "Regarding this, a sense of togetherness, solidarity and mutual respect must be the spirit to realize it," he said.

"My program will continue from the previous Danrem programs because the program has certainly been designed, planned by the Korem Commander. We just have to continue, of course later we will be creative, innovate looking at the potential of the region. I can't determine now what potential I should develop, but later after I read the situation here, the orientation and various potentials that exist and we can exploit into one strength, yes we exploit together. Things that will have an impact on vulnerability, we will definitely eliminate," explained Zainuddin.

On the other hand, he also emphasized and programmed synergy with various elements of the nation, such as the TNI and the government, especially local governments, which will also be a priority to build and realize the TNI's grand vision, namely unity with the people.

"The TNI will be strong with the people, is the motto and mission that will also be carried out by TNI soldiers forever," concluded Zaenuddin. (say/yon)

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