
UB, BNN, and East Java Regional Police Sign MoU to Combat Drugs and Radicalism

Lowokwaru ( – Brawijaya University (UB) Malang held a Public Lecture on Anti-Use of Narcotics, Psychotropics, and other addictive substances (NAPZA)  and Anti-Radicalism at the Samantha Krida Building UB, Saturday (21/09/2019).

MoU signing

UB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS welcomed the holding of a public lecture on anti-drug use and anti-radicalism. Nuhfil said that drugs and radicalism are the nation's greatest enemies.

He expressed his greatest desire that UB graduates have noble morals, stay away from drugs, and have a good achievement index. In addition, he said that new students are required to undergo drug tests.

The Chief Secretary of the National Narcotics Agency, Inspector General of Police Drs Adhi Prawoto, M. Si on this occasion appealed about the dangers of drug abuse which can cause damage to the brain and face, as well as other negative impacts that cannot be cured.

Meanwhile, Head of Sub-Directorate 4 of the East Java Regional Police (Polda) Intelkam Directorate AKP. H. Karyono, S. H reminded students to be smart in their behavior because they are the pillars of the nation.

"With the rapid development of information technology, the thinking of the younger generation, especially students, will certainly be more critical. Therefore, they must be smart in choosing good and bad," he said.

He added that the above attitude also needs to be supported by an understanding of national character which is seen as a system of cultural values ​​and beliefs in society.

"Heavy is the same as being carried, light is the same as being carried, these are the characteristics of our culture. If we do anything alone it will feel heavy and will not be finished, but if we do it together it will be light and easy. This is one of the nation's mutual cooperation attitudes that must not be eliminated," he said.

To strengthen synergy in combating radicalism and narcotics, on this occasion the signing of an agreement was also carried out. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by all deans in UB environment with BNN. (UB/say/yon).

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