Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – Hundreds of energy-efficient cars, the work of students from 45 universities in Indonesia, competed in the 2019 Energy-Efficient Car Contest (KMHE) held at Malang State University. Event which was held from 24-28 September 2019, not only required to produce energy-efficient cars, participants were also required to have innovation without ignoring vehicle safety factors.

Opening of the 2019 Energy Efficient Car Contest held at Malang State University

There are two categories in this contest, namely prototype or future vehicles with special designs that maximize aerodynamic aspects for racing purposes. The second is the category urban concept or four-wheeled vehicles that look similar to vehicles in general and are in accordance with the vehicles currently on the streets.

Director of Student Affairs of the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Dirjen Belmawa) of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) Didin Wahyudin after opening the event, Tuesday (24/09/2019) expressed his appreciation. According to him, this event should not only be used as a competition, but more for learning and how to find new innovations.

So that later it will not only produce energy-efficient cars, but how these students can show all their knowledge or skills. "Like utilizing new renewable energy into car fuel and from the results can be utilized for the community," added Didin.

From this event, he explained, it will encourage students to be able to play an active role in maintaining the sustainability and resilience of national energy with the energy-efficient vehicle technology they created. "The best innovators from this contest will later be competed at the international level, and so far Indonesia has been able to compete with developed countries such as England and Germany," explained Didin.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Malang State University, Prof. Dr. H. Ah. Rofiuddin, M.Pd said that this competition is very good for honing the abilities of students, so that they can later know their identity and abilities.

"Each group or participant will certainly compete to be the best, and it is not easy, because all participants have their own advantages," he said. (say/yon)


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