
Malang Station Development Expected to Boost Tourism Sector

Klojen ( – The laying of the first stone for the construction of Malang Station Phase One was held on Tuesday (24/9/2019). This new Malang station is expected to encourage the development of the tourism sector in Malang City.

The Mayor of Malang symbolically laid the first stone for the construction of Malang Station

The Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji, was present at this event and symbolically laid the first stone for the construction of Malang Station.

Sutiaji has high hopes for the construction of Malang Station because Malang Station is one of the entry points for tourists who will visit Malang City.

“Malang Station is a building heritage that we must preserve. This will further support Malang City to become a heritage destination, because later the face of the old station will be visible," said Sutiaji.

He added that Malang City will continue to realize heritage tourism which is currently being promoted. Kayutangan area will be one of the heritage tourism locations which is planned to be carried out with an integrated concept starting from Malang City Station, Malang Monument, to Kayutangan Heritage area.

"Later it will be connected from Kayutangan, Tugu, Malang City Station, we will also arrange the sidewalks," he said.

Meanwhile Executive Vice President PT KAI Daop 8 Surabaya, Suryawan Putra Hia said that Malang City has quite large potential in the tourism sector, so the development of Malang City Station needs to be done to improve services.

"Malang City Station is a heritage station, with quite high passenger growth," he added.

Suryawan added that the existence of Malang City Station is one of the supporters in the development of the tourism sector in Malang City. This is because the trend of users of train transportation services has increased every year.

The plan is that the first stage station building will have an area of ​​approximately 2.086 square meters. The new building and the old Malang Kota Station will be connected using sky bridge.

The design concept carried out in the first phase of development was inspired by the shape of Mount Putri Tidur located between Malang Regency and Batu City. The building will later prioritize an environmentally friendly concept for air circulation. (Ts/yon)

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