
Mayor of Malang Attends BMPD MPP's Socializing Night Event

Klojen ( – The familiarity night of the Malang Raya-Pasuruan-Probolinggo Regional Banking Consultative Body (BMPD MPP) which was held at the Aria Gajayana Hotel Ballroom, Wednesday night (25/9/2019) was lively.

Mayor of Malang attending the Familiarity Night of the Malang Raya-Pasuruan-Probolinggo Regional Banking Consultative Body

The Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji and the Chairperson of the Malang City PKK TP Widayati, S.Sos, MM were present on this occasion. Not only that, the Mayor of Malang also fully supports the BMPD MPP work program and banking performance, especially in Malang City in order to make development a success.

"I hope that the synergy and cooperation that we have built through the pentahelix program can be maintained and improved," Sutiaji hoped in his speech.

He also hopes that with the many banks in Malang City, the economic climate in Malang City will improve so that incoming investment will also increase.

"The development of micro-economy should also be our common concern. I have high hopes that small and medium business credit can continue to be disbursed to support the development of the creative economy in Malang City," said the bespectacled man.

Malang City, Sutiaji continued, has been designated as one of the creative cities in Indonesia. "So I appeal to all elements of society, especially the banking sector, to be able to participate in making this a success," he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of BMPD MPP Azka Subhan who is also the Head of the Bank Indonesia Malang Representative Office explained that this social night activity was also carried out in order to strengthen the ties between BMPD MPP members so that their performance and creativity can continue to improve. (Ts/yon)

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