
Malang City Government Again Wins WTP Opinion

Surabaya ( – The award was again won by the Malang City Government. This time the award was received for achieving the highest standard of WTP (Fair Without Exception) opinion on the LKPD (Regional Government Financial Report) for the 2018 fiscal year.

Deputy Mayor of Malang City (right) receiving a certificate of appreciation from the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia

Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko received an award presented by the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Mardiasmo MBA Akt at the Awarding Ceremony of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for the LKPD of East Java Province and the Regency/City Governments in East Java for the 2018 fiscal year at the Grahadi State Building, Surabaya, Wednesday (2/10/2019).

Also present to accompany the Deputy Mayor of Malang were the Chairperson of the Malang City DPRD I Made Riandiana Kartika, the Inspector of Malang City Abdul Malik, the Assistant for General Administration Nuzul Nurcahyono and the Secretary of the Malang City BPKAD.

This WTP award is not the first time received by the Malang City Government, but the eighth time. The award was given by the Central Government based on the 2018 fiscal year LKPD and the Malang City Government was able to present its financial report with a WTP opinion.

"I would like to express my gratitude for this achievement to all levels of Malang City OPD, Malang City DPRD and the people of Malang City. This award is a manifestation of good government financial management that we always maintain,'' said Bung Edi, the Deputy Mayor's nickname.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Mardiasmo MBA Akt said that for East Java, the achievement of WTP opinion on LKPD in 2018 was 36, consisting of one WTP achievement for the Province and 35 WTP achievements for the district/city.

"In substance, in essence, the essence of WTP must be translated into a more honest and more efficient, economical and more effective processing to achieve the target, namely justice for all East Javanese people," he added.

East Java Governor Khofifah expressed her gratitude to the districts/cities that received awards. "I appreciate the achievement of the WTP regions that received the best opinion on the financial reports presented," she said.

"There is PP number 12 of 2019 concerning Regional Financial Management, this will be a new reference for us. How to start planning, then the budget usage process, then the monitoring process, to the process of preparing the accountability report, output, outcome and so on is our shared PR (Homework)," said Khofifah. (EM/yon)

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