Kedungkandang ( – In order to carry out the development of Karang Werdha to welcome the 2019 Malang City-Level Karang Werdha Achievement Competition, the Deputy Mayor of Malang, Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko provided various motivations to the elderly in the hall of Kedungkandang Village, Thursday (3/10/2019).

Deputy Mayor Sofyan Edi, who is also the Chairperson of the Malang City Elderly Committee, advised the elderly to continue to instill feelings of happiness and enthusiasm in living their days.
"Because by continuing to be cheerful, happy and enthusiastic, we will always be healthy both physically and mentally," explained the man who is familiarly called Bung Edi.
He also hopes that the elderly can live healthily and get adequate health facilities so that they can continue to work and achieve.
"I also have great hopes that we can realize Malang as an elderly-friendly city. We must start all of that from the family environment and at the sub-district level," he said.
The implementation of national development which aims to create a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, has resulted in increasingly improved social conditions and increasing life expectancy, so that the number of elderly people has increased.
However, many elderly people are increasingly productive and able to play an active role in social, national and state life.
Efforts to improve social welfare for the elderly are essentially the preservation of the nation's religious and cultural values.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Karang Werdha Forum, Sulastri, said that currently the life expectancy in Malang City is increasing, so the number of elderly people is also increasing.
"We should be grateful for this phenomenon, because it shows that the elderly in Malang City live healthily and productively. Their daily lives are filled with positive things and produce works," he said.
On this occasion, Bung Edi also directly reviewed the Elderly Park located in the Rolak Tourism Area in the Kedungkandang area. (Ts/yon)