
Family Becomes the Smallest Communication Base of a Nation for Successful Development

Jakarta ( – Deputy Mayor of Malang, Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko while attending the Inauguration and Handover of the Chairperson of the TP PKK for the 2019-2024 Period at Balai Kartini Jakarta, Tuesday (12/11/2019) said that the family is the smallest communication base of a nation to make development in all fields a success. Deputy Mayor Sofyan Edi on this occasion was present with Deputy Chairperson I of the TP PKK Malang City, Hj. Elly Estiningtyas.

Deputy Mayor of Malang attending the Inauguration and Handover of the General Chairperson of the TP PKK for the 2019-2024 Period at Balai Kartini Jakarta, Tuesday (12/11/2019)

"As conveyed by the Minister of Home Affairs earlier, the concept of development must start from the outskirts or from the bottom, of course it is not only physical development but also social development through the family as the smallest communication base. That is also an emphasis for us to be implemented in Malang City," said the Deputy Mayor who is often called Bung Edi.

Mr. Edi added that to create a strong and prosperous family, a formal organization is needed such as TP PKK which organizes mothers as great figures for their families, so he has high hopes that TP PKK will also collaborate with the regional government, especially through the Regional Apparatus in implementing programs in the community.

"That is why the wives of Regional Heads play a very strong role in TP PKK, because in addition to being in ring 1, the wives of regional heads will also find it easier to coordinate with all lines in order to maximize existing potential, and we as leaders in the regions will continue to support this," he said.

Bung Edi also said that the Minister of Home Affairs' message to continue developing underdeveloped regions can be a special concern for us in the regions. Because through the village funds that have been disbursed so far will be the spearhead of development for us.

The event, which was attended by the Chairperson of the TP PKK Province and Regency/City throughout Indonesia, was also attended by the Indonesian Minister of Health and the Indonesian Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. (Ts/yon)

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