
Malang City Government Strengthens Public Complaints Services

Breadfruit ( – The Malang City Communication and Informatics Service (Kominfo) held a public complaint service and facilitation activity with the theme 'Strengthening Complaint Services in Supporting the Acceleration of Malang Smart City at the Ijen Suites Hotel, Tuesday (12/11/2019).

Nurudin while delivering the material

In the speech of the Head of the Malang City Communication and Information Service read by the Head of Public Information for the Malang City Communication and Information Service, Ismintari, SP, it was conveyed that in the 2018-2023 Malang City Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) Document, it is stated that the vision of Malang City is Malang Bermartabat, one of its missions is to ensure public satisfaction with government services that are orderly, professional, and accountable.

"In relation to the vision and mission, it was formulated Malang Future. Where The Future of Malang There are six concepts that are built from the efforts to understand the character and potential of the city and then want to realize the 'face' of Malang City in the future through the launch of a city development vision. We popularize these six concepts with the term The Future of Malang," said Ismintarti.

He conveyed the six concepts, namely: Malang City Heritage (Historical Icons and Traces of Struggle), Malang 4.0 (Information Technology Literacy in all fields), Malang Creative (Center for Creative Economy), Malang Halal (Center of Halal Tourism), Malang Services (Role Models Government Ccollaborative), Malang Nyaman (Friendly and sustainable city planning).

The Malang City Communication and Informatics Service as a regional apparatus organization that has duties and functions in the field of information and communication, he continued, also holds the responsibility to realize the ideals of Malang City in the future, especially in realizing Malang smart cities.

"Smart City or Smart City is a vision of urban development to integrate information and communication technology (ICT) and technology. Internet of Things (IoT) in a secure way to manage city assets,” said Ismintarti.

These assets include local government agency information systems, schools, libraries, transportation systems, hospitals, power plants, water supply networks, waste management, law enforcement, and other public services.

“In short the goal smart city is to improve city government services to produce more effective and efficient work processes so as to create a better quality of life," he continued.

There are six pillars smart city, that is smart government, smart branding, smart economics, smart living, smart societyand smart environment.

"One of the important things to support the implementation of the six pillars is the availability of public complaint services. sMart. Complaints service that smart, can be explained as a responsive, fast, accurate, and accountable complaint service. Smart complaint service will be an important factor in accelerating Malang Smart City" said Ismintarti.

For the implementation of services and facilitation of complaints in Malang City, currently the Malang City Government has provided the SAMBAT (Integrated Community Asking Application System) service which was inaugurated on April 1, 2016. In addition, the Malang City Government also provides a social media platform to accommodate public complaints.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary of Malang City Drs. Wasto, SH., MH said that the Malang City Government already has a Mayor Regulation Number 19 of 2010 concerning the Implementation of Complaint Handling Services in the Malang City Government Environment.

"Malang City Government summarizes all public complaints received, both SAMBAT Online and social media," said Wasto.

"According to Perwal Number 19 of 2010, the time limit to respond and identify problems is three days. While seven days to announce the results of handling complaints. So all complaints received are listened to by the Malang City Government," added Wasto again.

This activity also presented two other competent speakers in their fields, namely Nurudin (UMM Communication Science Lecturer) who presented material on communication strategies in complaint services, and Dewi Yuhana (Editor-in-Chief of Malang Post) with material on the role of media in improving public services.

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