(malangkota.go.id) – Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang Forest witnessed the achievements of Malang City in giving awards to three Regional Heads as the Best National ProKlim Supervisors, namely the Mayor of Malang, the Mayor of Blitar and the Regent of Probolinggo.

The award for the City of Malang was given to the Mayor of Malang for his commitment to developing climate-friendly policies, especially his active role in efforts to reduce emissions. low carbon.
In addition, the Main Category Climate Village Program award was given to seven village environments in Malang City that were deemed capable of realizing a pro-climate environment, namely RW 05 Sukun Village, RW 03 Sukun Village, Pisang Candi Village, RW 03 Rampal Celaket Village and RW 04 Rampal Celaket Village, and one Middle level award was received by RW 01 Kidul Dalem Village.
It was recorded that 34 villages in East Java received the climate village program award in the main category and five villages in the middle category.
This award was presented by the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, at the peak of the 2019 National Flora and Fauna Love Day Commemoration at the East Java level, which was centered at UB Forest, Donowari Village, Karangploso District, Malang Regency (17/11/2019).
Taking the theme 'Building a Millennial Generation that Loves National Flora and Fauna for a Superior Indonesia', Khofifah entrusted the program 'Small Plants, Adults Harvest'.
"We must create a strong environmental carrying capacity. Among them is building a culture of (at least) 25 times planting during life, namely five in elementary school, five in junior high school, five in high school, five in college and during marriage it is expected to be five times planting. If this moves massively, you can imagine how good our ecosystem and environmental capacity will be," explained Khofifah.
Our love for flora and fauna must be strengthened by breeding. "So I invite experts, academics, all university communities, animal and fauna experts, I invite you to work together to compile a strategic program to collect, cultivate and continue to develop the wealth of flora and fauna of the archipelago including in East Java," said the former Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs.
Closing the agenda of the National Love of Flora and Fauna Day Commemoration, Governor Khofifah inaugurated the East Java Cettar Kehati Conservation Zone located in UB Forest. (public relations/yon)