
East Java Governor: DIPA Must Be Properly Conveyed

Surabaya ( – The 2019 East Java Provincial Coordination Meeting with the theme 'Synergy of Central and Regional Governments in the Framework of Achieving the Five National Development Priorities to Realize an Advanced Indonesia' was held at the Grand City Surabaya Convention Hall, Friday (22/11/2019).

East Java Province Coordination Meeting 2019

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said in her speech that the important point of the coordination meeting was balancing central and regional programs.

"So I emphasize, the DIPA (Budget Implementation List) must be truly complete.delivered to the beneficiaries. That Password "which must be upheld by regional heads down to the sub-district heads and village heads," he said.

This coordination meeting was attended by the East Java Forkopimda, the City/Regency Forkopimda throughout East Java, Sub-district Heads, Village Heads, Police Chiefs and Military District Commanders throughout East Java as well as representatives of ministry offices and institutions in East Java.

The former Minister of Social Affairs said that the focus of East Java's development remains on continuing infrastructure development and human resource (HR) development.

Governor Khofifah also informed that there are still 363 underdeveloped villages in East Java and there are still 253 households that do not have electricity. Therefore, strengthening infrastructure and household-based electrification is one of the points prioritized by East Java.

To the mayors and regents, Khofifah also reminded the importance of the latrine project. "Moreover, from the existing data Tuberculosis (TB) in East Java is still very vulnerable, one of which is triggered by low household environmental sanitation. So we must strengthen household-based latrines and healthy sanitation," he said.

Another thing that Governor Khofifah highlighted was the challenges in the human resources sector. Referring to the Human Development Index (HDI) parameter, East Java (its HDI) is still below the national level. Where the national HDI is 71,39 while East Java is 70,77 (ranked 15th). The average length of schooling (RLS) in East Java is 7,39 years (equivalent to 2nd grade of junior high school).

In investment performance, Khofifah emphasized the importance of strengthening the food and beverage, footwear, textile and textile product industries because these industries are East Java's strengths and strengths. "And in terms of policy, I emphasize Password-its investment is labor-intensive and export-oriented.

With the ratification of the APBN in October, it encourages the acceleration of the regional PBJ process. DIPA Malang City is 5,5 trillion from the total DIPA of East Java Province which is 49,2 trillion. DIPA East Java is the third largest in Indonesia, showing a strategic role.

Meanwhile, Malang Deputy Mayor Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko said that there will be special attention regarding the value of benefits for the community.

"I agree that the spirit must bedelivery-"The government's program to the community down to the lowest level, namely households," he said. (public relations/yon)

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