
Baznas Malang City Distributes Gerbu Boxes

Klojen ( – The National Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Malang City continues to move to build social solidarity to be more concerned with each other to eradicate poverty in Malang City. One of them is by promoting the Thousand Rupiah Movement (Gerbu) initiated by the Mayor of Malang.

Deputy Chairman of Baznas Malang City Edy Sulistyo shows the Gerbu box which will be distributed to regional apparatus within the Malang City Government.

Deputy Chairman of Baznas Malang City, Edy Sulistyo confirmed that according to the Decree of the Mayor of Malang, the Thousand Rupiah Movement (Gerbu) program is currently being implemented, where this activity has been rolled out since January 6, 2020.

"Gerbu is a voluntary charity movement collected from State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Regional Apparatus (PD) within the Malang City Government," explained Edy Sulistyo, Thursday (22/01/2020).

This movement is expected to be a positive energy to handle social problems in Malang City. Technically, each PD collects from its ASN. Then Baznas will collect every day for the Malang City Integrated Office, while outside the Integrated Office it is collected every Friday.

This activity is expected to become a habit or culture that is rooted in ASN Malang City Government, so that it can reduce poverty in Malang City.

"Gerbu boxes have been sent to all Regional Apparatus offices in the Malang City Government. In addition, Basnaz also accepts zakat through accounts, making it easier to collect funds," he concluded. (cah/ram/yon)

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