
Mayor of Malang Directly Helps Clean the Kutuk River

Breadfruit ( – The community service action to clean the surrounding environment in the framework of the Garbage and Sediment Lifting Movement (GASS) which began in December 2019 continues to be promoted. This time the target is Kali Kutuk Jl. IR Rais, Tanjungrejo Village, Sukun District, Friday (28/2/2020).

The Mayor of Malang during community service in the context of GASS in Tanjungrejo Subdistrict

The Mayor of Malang, Drs. H. Sutiaji, came down directly accompanied by the Regional Secretary of Malang City, Drs. Wasto, SH, MH along with all state civil servants (ASN), TNI-Polri, volunteers, and all residents worked hand in hand in this community service activity.

"We hope that this activity can inspire the community to tackle the waste problem in Malang City," said the Mayor of Malang.

Through activities like this, it is hoped that a clean and environmentally wise culture can be built and can become a great energy in building a culture of loving the environment.

One of the residents of Tanjungrejo Village, Rudi Harianto, expressed his appreciation for the concern of the Mayor of Malang and his staff who participated in cleaning the Kutuk River. Because so far, if we only rely on the energy of local residents, the results have not been optimal. "Hopefully the water will not overflow again," Rudi hoped, Friday (29/2/2020).

Rudi admitted that it is not easy to keep the Kutuk River from overflowing, because there are still residents who throw garbage into the river. "Especially garbage from used building materials is usually found here, this often causes the water to overflow," explained Rudi.

In line with Rudi, Sarifudin admitted that since childhood he had lived in Tanjungrejo Village and used to play in the Kutuk River. Unlike now which is very dirty and the water is murky, the water of the Kutuk River used to be very clear.

"The increasingly dense housing in this area makes the river no longer clear. It used to be easy to get wader fish and catfish along the river, now it's very difficult," said Udin.

From the GASS activity in Tanjungrejo Village, the most trash was found in the river near the Apukat Posyandu. Many trash materials were seen, such as used building wood, plastic, and sacks containing used building materials. (cah/yon)

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