
UMM Creates Safety Chamber to Reduce Risk of Covid-19 Spread

Lowokwaru ( – The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) recently announced that there were doctors who had become victims of Covid-19. Through their social media accounts, the IDI expressed their condolences for the deaths of the two doctors. They were Dr. Bartholomeus Bayu Satrio Kukuh Wibowo from the West Jakarta branch of the IDI and Dr. Exsenveny Lalopua, M.Kes., the administrator of the West Java branch of the IDI.

Safety Chamber to support the work of doctors to remain safe

Departing from the need to maintain the safety of medical personnel from contracting this deadly virus, the academic community of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) has made innovations in the health sector. Recently, the White Campus community involving students created a Safety Chamber tool to support the work of doctors to remain safe.

For your information, according to WHO, the virus is transmitted from one person to another. The way it is transmitted, the Covid-19 virus spreads through droplets of saliva or out of the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The droplets land in the mouth or nose of people who are nearby. The corona virus can also be transmitted between people who come into contact with each other.

This transparent box-shaped tool is said to be able to minimize transmission. "When examining patients, they usually sneeze or cough. This tool is made to prevent health workers from getting infected when touching and diagnosing suspected Covid-19 patients," explained dr. Thontowi Djauhari, M.Kes., Coordinator of the Covid-19 Response Team at UMM Hospital, Monday (30/03/2020).

How to use it, the patient just needs to enter the shield made of mica material to find out the symptoms felt. Medical personnel on duty will certainly be safer because they are separated from the patient. "This tool is certainly not the only safety standard that we use. We will continue to use personal protective equipment (PPE)," said Thontowi.

Although still in the refinement stage, Thontowi continued, in the future this tool will be equipped with a number of other features to further minimize the chances of transmission. Such as the addition of breathing aids, so that patients still feel comfortable when being examined in the Safety Chamber. Also, the use of glue will be minimized to avoid leakage.

Thontowi continued, the health innovation tool initiated by UMM in the midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic is planned to be mass produced to help referral hospitals for Covid-19 patients and health workers. "It's easy to maintain, just clean it with alcohol. Or just use detergent soap. Because detergent is more effective in cleaning," said Thontowi.

Finally, Thontowi hopes that there are parties willing to help develop and fund this health innovation project. "In the future, if there are stakeholders interested in funding this tool, hopefully it can be mass produced. Of course, UMM through RSU UMM will be happy to open the door to cooperation so that this innovation can also be used in many hospitals," he said. (UMM/say/yon)

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