Klojen (malangkota.go.id) – In the midst of a pandemic Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19), Malang City Government through the Malang City Education and Culture Office is preparing for the New Student Admissions (PPDB) for the 2020-2021 Academic Year. Various schemes and coordination meetings continue to be held in order to make PPDB a success.

Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji said that in the midst of the Covid-19 situation, the PPDB will be held online again. "Actually, for the past five years, Malang City has always held PPDB online. So I think it won't be a problem for us," he said after giving a briefing at the Education and Culture Office, Thursday (30/4/2020).
However, according to him, what makes it different from last year is that the quota for students through the achievement pathway is larger, namely 30 percent.
This is almost the same as in 2018. "This year we also added six new classes with a quota of approximately 180 students. This is done to meet the demands of the community. The addition of classes is in SMP Mulyorejo, SMP Gadang and SMP Polehan," he explained.
Thus, this year Malang City will be ready to accept new students, both in public and private schools. "The number of 14 thousand graduates from elementary schools is certain to be accepted in all junior high schools in Malang City," he said.
The Mayor of Malang emphasized to all parties to implement the rules that have been made and prioritize integrity. Moreover, currently the 2020/2021 PPDB accommodates report card grades, where this requires sincerity, discipline and most importantly honesty in presenting report card grades.
"Don't let it be because you want to enter the desired junior high school or want your students to get a public junior high school to do bad things. Likewise, the Education and Culture Office should pay attention to the abilities or achievements of students to be placed in junior high schools that really carry out coaching according to the talents and interests of the child concerned," said Sutiaji.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Malang City Education and Culture Office Dra. Zubaidah, MM has also provided an explanation regarding the 2020/2021 Academic Year PPDB Implementation Guidelines technically to the Mayor of Malang. (Ts/yon)