(malangkota.go.id) – The Indonesian Chinese Social Association (PSMTI) Malang City together with the Indonesian Chinese Islamic Association (PITI) Malang carried out a social humanitarian action together with the PCNU Malang City by providing basic food and instant noodle assistance to residents around the NU clinic on Jl Aris Munandar Malang City who were affected by Covid-19, Sunday (03/05/2020).

Present at this event were the Mayor of Malang for the 2013-2018 period H. Moch. Anton, Chairman of PCNU Malang City Dr. Isroqunnajah M.Ag, Chairman of RAIS Syuriah PC NU Malang City, KH. Chamzawi, General Chairman of PSMTI Malang City Dr. dr. H. Sugiharta Tandya, Sp.PK, and Chairman of the Malang Raya Chinese Community Communication Forum (FKWTMR) Linggaryanto Budi Utomo. Many figures who were present here showed the authentic atmosphere of Malang which was harmonious.
Deputy Mayor of Malang Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko who was present on this occasion said that today one incident can be seen that is truly Indonesian, namely mutual cooperation, helping each other, and those who are more help those who are less. "Hopefully the wisdom of Covid-19 will return us to being the Indonesian nation whose noble values are truly extraordinary," he said starting his speech, Sunday (03/05/2020).
Next, Deputy Mayor Sofyan Edi conveyed four concepts in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. First, preventive efforts, namely by physical distancing.
“The second is action, an effort to get healthy again, the third is tracing, detecting people who are potentially infected with the virus from positive Covid-19 patients because the characteristics of this virus are very fast spreading. And the fourth stage is resolving the consequences or impacts of Covid-19," he explained.
"Simply put, let's take care of those who are healthy so that they remain healthy, those who are not healthy, how to return them to health, those who are sick will be treated so that they can return to health," continued Bung Edi, as he is familiarly called.
Meanwhile, PITI Advisor for Malang City H. Moch. Anton expressed his hope that this assistance would be right on target for residents affected by Covid-19.
"This makes me very happy, we hope that what has been contributed can be right on target to the affected community, hopefully it will continue," hoped the man who is familiarly called Abah Anton. (EM/yon)