The series of commemorations of the 97th anniversary of Malang City is not over yet. After holding a people's party by inviting artists from the capital, an automotive championship in the form of a road race at the Simpang Balapan circuit...
Klojen ( – Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji led a coordination meeting (rakor) for the Mobile House of Worship Movement at the gazebo of Malang City Hall, Tuesday (24/8/2021)....
Malang, ( – The Malang City Government (Pemkot) continues to improve services to the community, one of which is related to water through the Regional Public Company (Perumda) Tugu Drinking Water...
Kedungkandang ( – After a hiatus for some time, the Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton, has again held a social gathering agenda combined with village visits in the area...