
Socialization of Covid-19 Protocol for Islamic Boarding School Environment

Klojen ( – In addition to the traditional market, the Islamic boarding school environment is also a special concern for the Malang City Covid-19 Task Force in an effort to continue to suppress the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. This is because there are many factors that can trigger the transmission of the virus among students.

Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji giving directions

In this regard, socialization of the Covid-19 protocol was carried out in the Islamic boarding school environment in the Meeting Room of Malang City Hall, Saturday (06/06/2020) which was attended by the leaders of Islamic boarding schools in Malang City and religious scholars.

In addition to the Mayor of Malang Drs. H. Sutiaji, the event was also attended by the Deputy Mayor of Malang, the Regional Secretary of Malang City, the Malang City Police Chief, the Dandim 0833 Malang City and other related parties. In Islamic boarding schools, it is very necessary to strengthen health protocols, such as checking body temperature, wearing masks and maintaining a safe distance.

The Mayor of Malang in his speech said that the typology of Islamic boarding schools in terms of formal education is very varied. There are Islamic boarding schools that have their own formal education and are only intended for students, there are Islamic boarding schools that also accept students from outside, and there are also students who take formal education outside the Islamic boarding school.

"What is rather difficult to control and most prone to triggering the transmission of the virus is if the Islamic boarding school accepts students from outside. This is where the need to strengthen health protocols is needed, because no one knows who among them can transmit the virus. In addition, the Islamic boarding school cannot monitor or control students when they return to their environment," explained Sutiaji.

He added that in such conditions the state will be present. In this context, the local government together with the Covid-19 Task Force will provide special attention and assistance so that the transmission of the virus in the Islamic boarding school environment can continue to be minimized. "We will help Islamic boarding schools that are still lacking and do not have supporting facilities for implementing health protocols," said the man with the glasses.

"We also hope that supervision and anticipatory steps from the kiai as the caretakers of the Islamic boarding schools and administrators will be improved in the future. If prevention efforts and implementation of health protocols run optimally, then the transmission of this virus can be suppressed as optimally as possible," concluded Sutiaji. (say/yon)

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