Breadfruit ( – In the midst of difficulties, there are opportunities that can be utilized and maximized. This statement was conveyed by the Deputy Mayor of Malang, Ir. H. Sofyan Edi Jarwoko when starting the first coffee harvest at the Sukun Nasrani Public Cemetery (TPU), Malang City, Friday (19/06/2020).

This coffee product is managed by Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness Group) Koeboeran Londo which is a partner of the Technical Implementation Unit for Management Burial General of the Malang City Environmental Service. In TPU Sukun, also known as Kuburan Londo Sukun, there are a number of Dutch relics and are cultural heritage assets of Malang City that are ready to be transformed into a cemetery-based tourist destination.
In the cemetery which has an area of about one hectare, Deputy Mayor Sofyan Edi said that 5.400 coffee trees have been planted and the first harvest is estimated to produce about 1,5 tons of coffee. "A number of graves will also be researched immediately before being planted with similar coffee, so that automatically the community's economy will also continue to grow, especially during the pandemic (Covid-19) like now," he added.
The bespectacled man added that the quality of the coffee in this place is very good and the contour of the land in Malang City is very suitable for planting robusta coffee, especially in TPU Sukun so that the results are also satisfactory. "The results of this coffee have gone through a research process and its management has been handed over to the local Pokdarwis," explained the man who is familiarly called Bung Edi.
In the near future, he said that this cemetery is ready to become a new tourist destination and residents who want to visit family graves or tourists who come can not only enjoy the Dutch heritage buildings, but can also enjoy coffee. "In addition, tourists can see and learn the processing of coffee labeled Kopi Tulang and take it home as a souvenir," said Bung Edi.
The same thing was said by the Head of the Public Cemetery Management Unit of the Malang City DLH, Takroni Akbar. He said that currently a number of TPUs in Malang City have also been prepared in such a way as to also become tourist attractions. "Until now, Malang City residents who plant coffee are still rare, so we utilize and maximize the existing land," he explained.
"Among these coffee trees, other trees are also planted that will also produce something useful for the community and have a selling value, such as breadfruit, chocolate and moringa vegetables. Thus, in addition to the greening program, from several graves there will also be oxygen alms or become oxygen factories which also reduce the tension of global warming," concluded Takroni. (say/yon)